COLAB Schedule

Cool Library Loans!

Check out our cool library offerings!
AV equipment such as camcorders, digital cameras, tripods, USB microphones, and various AV adapters and cables can be checked out at the Circulation Desk. These items can be checked out for three day loans and are not eligible for renewal.
Laptop and mobile phone chargers are available for three hour check out at the Circulation Desk. These chargers are library use only and are not eligible for renewal.
Short-term Laptop Loans for Library Use. Dell Windows laptops can be checked out in-person at the Circulation Desk for short-term use on a first-come, first-serve basis. Short-term laptops check out for three hours and must remain in the Library. These laptops require an ODIN login and come pre-installed with core academic software.
And YES! The also do long term loans on computers, too. They have Here is more info.
Please contact OIT AV Services for requests or questions regarding lavalier microphones or other in-classroom equipment needs or call 503-725-4357.