
COLAB Schedule

Cool Library Loans!

Check out our cool library offerings!
AV equipment such as camcorders, digital cameras, tripods, USB microphones, and various AV adapters and cables can be checked out at the Circulation Desk. These items can be checked out for three day loans and are not eligible for renewal.
Laptop and mobile phone chargers are available for three hour check out at the Circulation Desk. These chargers are library use only and are not eligible for renewal.
Short-term Laptop Loans for Library Use. Dell Windows laptops can be checked out in-person at the Circulation Desk for short-term use on a first-come, first-serve basis. Short-term laptops check out for three hours and must remain in the Library. These laptops require an ODIN login and come pre-installed with core academic software.
And YES! The also do long term loans on computers, too. They have Here is more info.
Please contact OIT AV Services for requests or questions regarding lavalier microphones or other in-classroom equipment needs or call 503-725-4357.
Come on in!

Welcome to the School of Art + Design and the CORE Program!
Next week school begins. We can’t wait to meet you…and we are so pleased that you will be joining our art community. Whether you are new to PSU or not, we want to assure you that your faculty are working to make this a safe, learning-filled adventure and that soon you will feel AT HOME!
What will we cover in this post ?
(Cause I know sometimes people just want the short version!)
Welcome, super glad you are joining us!
CORE courses are hybrid, what does this mean?
What do you think? We want to KNOW> Survey for YOU
A tad of advising.
Links for more.
CORE courses are hybrid, what does this mean?
Hybrid simply means that we will have the flexibility to meet online and face-to-face in the Fariborz Maseeh Hall studios. We know this is not as straightforward and might be a little hard to follow! But we want to be flexible to meet the needs of the students and the challenges of the pandemic. We love having students use the studios and have access to all the tools and materials there. And yet, the pandemic continues and students and faculty have different levels of concern. So flexibility is key! Your instructor will give you specifics about your course in an email this week… and we will make sure to keep everyone in the loop if anything needs to shift!
How do you feel about coming back to school ?
We want to know how you are feeling about the return to campus, what challenges you may face, and what you are super excited about… tell us right here! Super pretty please, fill this out! Also take the time to read the updated Code of Student Conduct on this site!
A tad of advising:
If you are a new Art Practice student in the School of Art + Design, you will start off in the CORE Program. This is where you will meet your cohort, your faculty and learn lots about the school and our city. During that first year, you will take 6 CORE classes that will give you loads of new making and thinking experiences. Take one 5-credit studio course each term and the other courses below to finish your first year requirements. You will have more advising during coLAB or can contact your Pathway advisor for more help!
Here are all the CORE courses to take your first year:
ART 101 CORE: Surface (5-credit)
ART 102 CORE: Space (5-credit)
ART 103 CORE: Time (5-credit)
ART 104 CORE: Digital Tools (2-credit)
ART 105 CORE: Ideation (2-credit)
ARH 106 CORE: Visual Literacy (2-credit)
You will also want to take: ART 131 DRAWING, ART HISTORY (204 or 205), and UNIVERSITY STUDIES FRINQ (each term)
Keep in mind, if you are a transfer student, you may have already received credit for these courses. See your Pathway Advisor.
A couple helpful links:
PSU Covid-19 Student Resources
To learn more about CORE, visit and join our CORE Instagram:
Art Practice Student Resources
Have a great start to the new school year… and watch for more information from your faculty in the coming days!
PSSSST. We really want to hear what you are thinking… Thanks for filling out the survey!
PSSST again. And feel free to email me if you have questions!
M. Michelle Illuminato
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97201

In the School of Art + Design, we want to make sure that we all feel safe and are safe! We’ll do this in a number of ways, from having conversations, creating community agreements, and listening to the needs of our classmates. All of this work will build off of the clear foundation that the university has set up in the updated Student Code of Conduct. Please take time to read it.
Student Code of Conduct
The University has established rules and policies to make the return to the classroom as safe as possible. It is required for everyone to follow all the Return to Campus rules and policies. To participate in this class, PSU requires students to comply with the following.
Masks Required at all Times in Classroom
- Wear a mask or face covering indoors at all times. Your mask or face covering must be properly worn (fully covering nose and mouth and tight fitting). Mesh masks, face shields, or face covering that incorporates a valve designed to facilitate easy exhalation are not acceptable. Because a mask must be worn in the classroom, there should be no eating or drinking in the classroom. If you have a medical condition or a disability that prevents you from wearing a mask or cloth face covering, you must obtain an accommodation from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to be exempt from this requirement. CDC, State, and County guidance does not limit class size for in-person instruction or require physical distancing.
- Be vaccinated against COVID-19 and complete the COVID-19 vaccination attestation form. Those students with medical or nonmedical exemptions or who will not be on campus at all must complete the process described on “COVID-19 Vaccine Exemption Request Form” to establish those exemptions. Health Check, Illness, Exposure or Positive Test for COVID-19
Health Check, Illness, Exposure or Positive Test for COVID-19
- Complete the required self-check for COVID-19 symptoms before coming to campus each day.
- If you are feeling sick or have been exposed to COVID-19, do not come to campus. Call SHAC to discuss your symptoms and situation (503.725.2800). They will advise you on testing, quarantine, and when you can return to campus.
- If you test positive for COVID-19, report your result to SHAC and do not come to campus. SHAC will advise you on quarantine, notification of close contacts and when you can return to campus.
- Please notify me/your instructors should you need to miss a class period for any of these reasons so that we can discuss strategies to support your learning during this time.
- If I become ill or need to quarantine during the term, either I or the department chair will notify you via PSU email about my absence and how course instruction will continue.
Failure to Comply with Any of these Rules
As the instructor of this course, the University has given me the authority to require your compliance with these policies. If you do not comply with these requirements, I may ask you to leave the classroom or I may need to cancel the class session entirely. In addition, failure to comply with these requirements may result in a referral to the Office of the Dean of Student Life to consider charges under PSU’s Code of Conduct. A student found to have violated a university rule (or rules) through the due process of student conduct might face disciplinary and educational sanctions (or consequences). For a complete list of sanctions, see Section 14 of the Student Code of Conduct & Responsibility.
Guidance May Change
Please note that the University rules, policies, and guidance may change at any time at the direction of the CDC, State, or County requirements. Please review the University’s main COVID-19 Response webpage and look for emails from the University on these topics.

Hello Wonderful Students,
We are so excited to celebrate the end of the spring term with you. Get ready to fly some kites, picnic together out in the sun and see some amazing work from your peers. You are welcome to bring snacks and a blanket, we will provide you with all the materials needed to design and build your kite. Let’s end our final (fingers crossed) digital zoom class with a smashing good time.
Event Details
Date: June 2nd 2021
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Location: Washington Park Amphitheater
410 SW Kingston Ave, Portland, OR 97205
Traveling to Washington Park
Need help navigating to Washington Park, there are many ways to travel. Transit runs to and from the park via the Max lines as well as by bus. Check out the map for further details.
coLAB hosts Alyson Provax

Alyson Provax
We were inspired this week by Alyson Provax’s contemplative practice!
Alyson Provax lives and works in Portland, Oregon. She is interested in loneliness, uncertainty, memory, and the other small but powerful specifics of living in our times. Her formal training is as a printmaker and she works in letterpress. Her work has been described as “printmaking disinterested in the perfection based traditions that exist as a form of exclusion.” Within those experimental uses of traditional tools she often uses the potential for repetition as a drawing tool, creates original works by manipulating the printed image, or uses physical printed pieces as stills for animation, reproductions into books, blankets, posters, stickers, and billboards. She has shown regionally at Archer Gallery, Agenda, Carnation Contemporary, Wolff Gallery, Upfor Gallery, LxWxH/Bridge Productions, The Vestibule and the Whatcom Museum, nationally at A.I.R. Gallery in New York, Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, Montalvo Arts Center in California, and internationally at the Blueproject Foundation in Barcelona. Her work appeared in articles about artists’ responses to the 2016 election in New York Magazine, Newsweek and ArtSlant. Her work has been published in Poetry Northwest, The Buckman Journal, and Eleven Eleven, and her first book was published by Volumes Volumes in 2019. She has shown temporary public art installations in San Jose in 2020 as part of Montalvo Arts Center’s ‘lone some’, in Portland in 2019 as ‘something nameless’ and Seattle in 2018, as part of Vignettes and Gramma’s project ‘a lone’.
OverWintering CORE Digital Art Exhibit

Schedule of Live Events
12:30 – 12:45 |
CORE Warm Welcome Join Here: |
12:45 – 1:00 |
Almuerzo Juntos (Breakfast Together) Led by Alex Naranjo-Robles, Zoe Whiteman, Joy Marsh Making art. Making Breakfast. Together. Grab your cereal bowl and learn more about SPACE’s performative breakfast, and the recipes and memories it evoked. Join Here: |
Time 103 Screening of Video Works Join the CORE Art Time 103 class in a screening of some stellar video works. Join Here: |
Drinktionary Led by: coLAB students Join CORE students in a unique game of Pictionary come prepared with a beverage of your choice. Join Here: |
1:00 – 1:15 |
Sound Spaces
Close your eyes and be transported through the audio environments that our Time 103 students have created. Join Here: |
Surface This-and-That Come see site-specific camouflage and other assorted bits made by Surface students over the course of Winter term. Join Here: |
Constructed Landscapes Led by: Cameron Wilhite, Erika Bahena, Travis D’Amico A new perspective! View landscapes constructed by SPACE artists from things in their home. Join Here: |
1:15 – 1:30 |
New Words for Unnamed Phenomena Learn some new vocabulary from an illustrated dictionary created by Surface students. Join Here: |
Animation Shorts by Time 103 Students Join us for a screening of Time 103 animation creations Join Here: |
Tattoo Flash Session Led by: coLAB students Pop in and draw a tattoo to share with the group. Pick one from the Flash Art collection to draw from. Share some fun artwork and discuss with others. Join Here: |
1:30 – 1:45 |
Making Ideas Try out a quick prompt created by Ideation students! Join Here: |
3d Builds in Motion by Digital 104 Students Come check out our digital exhibition of some truly delectable donut sensations built by the 3d software blender. Join Here: |
Virtual Coffee House Led by: coLAB students Join us in celebrating the end of the term with some warm drinks and some good music. Feel free to share with the group your favorite plants or pets around you at home. Join Here: |
Experimental Forms built by Digital Tools 104 students
Test out some uniquely built apps that allow you to randomly generate art creations. Inspired by the Fluxus movement and modernized by digital technologies.
Join Here:
Almuerzo Juntos (Breakfast Together) Cookbook
Follow this link to download the personally meaningful recipes at the heart of the SPACE students collaborative performance.
It’s Me in Digital Form
What does your digital footprint say about you? Discover what your peers search, research or obsess about when they navigate the fluid space of the web.
Join Here:
A Trompe L’oeil Snack
Have some fun viewing our 3d donut forms printed and placed to trick the eye into believing they are real delectable treats.
Join Here:
We have many people to thank for making our end-of-the-year celebration possible!
First..YOU The students. You are the reason we are here. THANK YOU for your dedication to your learning and to this art community! Then there’s our super extra-special FACULTY. Thank you for all the work to make this term the best it could be. Teaching Winter term: Anna Gray, Brittney Connelly, Michelle Swinehart & Michelle Illuminato. And a warm thanks to the School of Art + Design’s Director Lis Charman for her support.
Hannah Newman Stopped By!
Hannah Newman
Hannah Newman dropped by to share their project Shapeshifters: A Guided Meditation… and then we all went outside with our earphones to listen and look at the clouds (as they are looking back at us!). Students then documented the sky above and contributed it to a file to be shown together!
You can find the meditation here:
Hannah Newman is an interdisciplinary artist reuniting digital technologies and experiences with their physical, emotional, and material sources. Most recently she has exhibited in group shows with The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale online, Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River, OR, Outback Arthouse in Los Angeles, CA, Her Environment and The Yards Gallery in Chicago, Il, and Neon Heater/ Real Tinsel in Milwaukee, WI. Her work has received press from Chicago’s New City Art blog, the Duplex Gallery blog series and the Boston Globe, and the Regional Arts and Culture Council in Oregon awarded her a 2017 Professional Development Grant. Newman received a Master of Fine Arts from Oregon College of Art and Craft and a B.S in Ceramics and Fine Arts with a minor in Art History from Indiana Wesleyan University.
coLAB hosts Hillerbrand + Magsamen
Hillerbrand + Magsamen
We were delighted to be a part of the interactive performance 147 DEVICES FOR INTEGRATED PRINCIPLES a work made by Hillerbrand+Magsamen in collaboration with Kirk Lynn, Peter Stopschinski and their son and daughter Maddie and Emmett.
The artistic team of Hillerbrand+Magsamen is the collaboration of Stephan Hillerbrand and Mary Magsamen. Together they create sculpture, installation, performance, video and photographic works they call “Suburban Fluxus”. Often including their two children, Madeleine and Emmett in their work, the family critiques and playfully scrutinizes contemporary suburban life.
Hillerbrand+Magsamen have presented their videos in international film and media festivals including Houston Cinema Arts Festival, London SciFi Film Festival, WAND V Stuttgarter Filmwinter, New York Underground Film Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Boston Underground Film Festival and MonkeyTown. Their cinematic based installations have been exhibited at the Everson Museum (Syracuse, NY), Center for Photography Woodstock (Woodstock, NY), Diffusion Photography Festival (Wales, UK) and Houston Center for Photography (Houston, TX).
They have received grants from Sustainable Arts Foundation, Austin Film Society, Experimental Television Center, Ohio Arts Council, Houston Arts Alliance and Houston Center for Photography. Their project HIGHER GROUND was a commission from the Houston Airport System and received 1st prize from juror Richard Linklater in the CineSpace program at the Houston Cinema Arts Festival.
Hillerbrand+Magsamen have participated in residency programs including: Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (New York, NY), Experimental Television Center (Owego, NY), Elsewhere (Greensboro, NC), Santa Fe Art Institute (Santa Fe, NM). Stephan Hillerbrand is a recipient of two Fulbright Fellowships (Germany) and MacDowell Colony (Peterborough, NH) residency.
Mary and Stephan live and work in Houston with their two children, Madeleine and Emmett.
Be inspired by more of their work here: